Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I have some special thank-yous to "The Man"...

I am thankful for...

  • the VanAlstines. They were truly wonderful people.
  • the opportunity He gave me to be volleyball-coached by one of the best. It was fun and hard!
  • the two amazing little girls they have left behind and their bright futures laid out by their parents, as well as the daughter who has joined them in Heaven.
  • the friends I had in Shyla & Phillip. How I do wish I had gotten to know them more.
  • the lives they have touched in life and death.
  • their families who are grieving, but no doubt celebrating the greatness that had graced their presence.
  • the ability to pray to You for them and the hope that others will too.

Shyla, Phillip, and their 7yr old daughter Haylie were killed Tues. in Louisiana on a family trip. They leave behind Kaytie (4yrs), currently in the hospital, and Avery 18mths (not w/ them during the accident.) Here is the news link...

I read about something lately that has really touched my heart. I have never read the book (so don't quote me as recommending it, please) it is called"The Shack" by William Young. In it God tells the man (who's daughter was killed) that there is no sadness in heaven and when he is sad, his daughter isn't able to look down on him.

This makes me want to smile, and be happy and go on and live my life and let that person(s) see me in my joy, even when I miss them so bad it hurts. If it is true, I do not know, but it gives me hope, a purpose to not be so sad. I can grieve, but the trip to Heaven will seem so much longer if I take the "Eeyore approach" to life. I hope that makes sense. In Thursday fashion, thank you for letting me empty my heart onto this page!


kristi said...

Last night i went to the wake and there were hundreds of folks there. We had to stand in line for almost 3 hours and saw lots of people we knew (I went with Kelly and Peggy). The families seemed to be holding up very well. i must say it was hard to see the small casket but atleast they weren't open. Anyway, I just thought you should know what a good showing of respect and remorse was given to Shyla and her family.